TypeSnippet Guidelines
Guidelines for contributing to TypeSnippet projects
When contributing to TypeSnippet projects, please follow the TypeSnippet guidelines. We want to keep our
community open and inclusive, and we expect all contributors to follow the
code of conduct in all TypeSnippet projects.
Transferring an existing repository
If you have an existing project that you would like to move to TypeSnippet's GitHub organization, you
can follow the GitHub docs about transferring a repository to another organization. After you
request a transfer, we will receive an email and review your project. It would be great if the
project has tests and documentation. If it does not, we will help you with that.
Guidelines for generating project ideas
We believe that the best ideas can come to anyone's mind, and we always look for talented and
innovative developers to join our community which is always eager to help new contributors. We can
assist you through the implementation process. However, if you are thinking of creating a new
open-source software, it's not easy to come up with a unique and valuable idea. Here are some tips
to help you unleash your creativity and generate new project ideas.
Investigate the implementation of the most-liked features: Explore the functionality and
implementation of existing open-source packages and modules. By delving into the
implementation of your most-liked features of the modules, you may discover valuable
techniques and solutions that can inspire new ideas for your projects.
Face with unique issues: More experienced developers might have encountered unique
challenges that existing packages or libraries do not address. If you have come up with an
idea that could potentially be useful to others, we encourage you to create your open-source
project on top of that.
Start with a problem: Look for a problem that you or other developers face, and think of
ways to solve it with a new project. By solving a problem, you are more likely to create a
project that is useful and valuable to others.
Draw inspiration from existing projects: Look at successful open-source projects that are
similar to what you want to create. Then, think of ways to improve upon them, add new
features, or offer a unique spin.
Collaborate with others: Work with other developers and discuss potential project ideas
together. Two heads are better than one, and collaborating with others can help generate new
ideas and fresh perspectives.
Experiment with new tools and technologies: Explore new programming languages, libraries,
and frameworks that you haven't used before. Experimenting with new tools can spark new
ideas and inspire you to create something different.
Look beyond coding: Consider non-coding aspects of software development, such as user
experience design, documentation, testing, and community building. There may be new project
ideas in these areas that are waiting to be explored.
When it comes to thinking of an idea for a new open-source project, creativity is not always the
key. The best ideas often come from a combination of hard work, experimentation, and collaboration.